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What is a Party Wall Injunction?
Where the Party Wall Procedures have not been followed, an adjoining owner may seek to apply for a Party Wall Injunction.
The 3 common types of damp found in residential properties
Dampness in residential properties is a common defect and is closely aligned with most building deterioration cases such as steel...
Our Covid-19 Response (Update)
We have taken serious measures to counter the risks of Covid-19 to our staff and clients in line with government advice and we keep our...
What is a Party Wall Notice and when does need to be served?
The Party Wall etc. Act 1996 requires that you serve notice upon your neighbour (the adjoining owner) if you intend to carry out...
What is included within a Party Wall Agreement?
A Party Wall Agreement (commonly referred to as a "Party Wall Award") is legally binding document produced by one or more surveyors and...
What is an Access Audit Inspection?
An Access Audit Inspection comprises of a detailed inspection of the environment, building components and procedures in place in regards...
What is a Schedule of Condition Inspection?
If you plan on carrying out construction works, it is highly recommended that you carry out a Schedule of Condition of the neighbouring...
The History of the Party Wall etc. Act 1996
The origins of the current party wall legislation dates back to the thirteenth century, then applicable to building works carried out...
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