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What is a Schedule of Condition Inspection?

UNEK Building Consultants

If you plan on carrying out construction works, it is highly recommended that you carry out a Schedule of Condition of the neighbouring property prior to commencing works to have a detailed record of the condition which may help you against any alleged damage claims in the future.

A Schedule of Condition may also benefit someone who is about to enter a new commercial lease and they would like to have a record of the property before using it to prevent any dilapidation claims in the future which can and does cost thousands of pounds.

What are the main benefits of having a Schedule of Condition carried out?

Damage Allegations - In the event that damage is caused or alleged to have been caused to the neighbours property, a schedule of condition is a great reference point as it is a signed record of the existing condition prior to the commencement of works.

Professional Input - The Schedule of Condition is carried out by qualified and experienced building consultants who record the detailed condition and photograph the relevant areas by producing an impartial report prior to the commencement of works.

Avoid Disputes - In the absence of a Schedule of Condition Report, it is highly likely that respective owners will get into disputes and potentially strain neighbourly relations.

Here’s the Four Steps of a Schedule of Condition Report

  • Review of proposed construction works prior to the inspection

  • Site inspection of the surveyor or building consultant (generally takes an hour on site)

  • Producing the Schedule of Condition Report (generally within 2-3 working days)

  • Follow up discussions where necessary


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